We invite you to join us!

The Cámara de Semilleristas de la Bolsa de Cereales provides its Members with the following services:

  • Representation before Argentine government agencies, specifically the National Seed Institute (INASE).
  • Representation before the International Seed Federation (ISF). To register for the World Seed Congress, you are required to be a member of an ISF-registered National Seed Association, as set out in the “ISF Rules and Usages for the Trade in Seed for Sowing Purposes”, the only industry with its own trade and arbitration rules.
  • Access to updated regulations and reliable information.
  • Temperate Forage Seed Market Chart. Prepared annually on the basis of member surveys, own estimates, and official statistical data. The only information available in our country.
  • Proprietary network of pre-commercial and commercial forage variety trials in different locations, with results being published in "PasturaTest". Valid for registration before the National Seed Institute (INASE).
  • Buenos Aires Seed Convention-BASC. The most important international business forum of the forage seed sector in South America (10 editions).

Member Categories
  • Full Members
  • Associate Members

Please contact us for any further information, or send your completed application form to our WhatsApp Member Service.
+54 911 3003 2912